EARFOLD® protruding ears
Information on EARFOLD®:
Duration of surgery | 15-20 min. |
Anaesthesia | Local anaesthesia |
Clinic visit type | None |
Return to work | Immediately |

Dr. Narwan explains the Earfold® method
Protruding ears are a thing of the past – innovative EARFOLD® method.

The EARFOLD® method was developed by Dr Kang, a London-based doctor who personally trained our specialists.
The EarFold® method is particularly well-suited to adults and children over the age of 7; it boasts decisive advantages over traditional surgical ear correction (otopexy).
Do you – or your child – suffer from prominent ears, or what people call ‘jug ears’? Then you’re probably used to hearing plenty of snide remarks every day! We have the solution for you: EARFOLD®
Almost 5% of the population suffers from this whim of nature – when the distance between the outer edge of the curve of the ear and the back of your head is greater than 2 cm. The cause of protruding ears is either an oversized ear cup (concha) or a less pronounced inner ear fold (antihelix).
Today, ears like this can be treated in a much simpler, less painful way than ever before – with little pain and no major surgical operation, no head bandage, no missed days of school or work.
Your Specialist for ear pinning with EARFOLD®

Dr. med. Narwan
Medical Specialist for Plastic and Aesthetical Surgery
Do you have any questions about the EARFOLD® method?
What is the EARFOLD® process?
Our doctor will of course initially consult with you to determine whether EARFOLD® is a suitable method for you or your child. In this consultation, you will discover how your ears could look following the minor EARFOLD® procedure. You will accordingly decide the precise position of your ears together with our doctors, using one or two PreFold® clips per ear. This temporary option for seeing the result before the operation has taken place is unique to this method.
On the day of the operation, our specialist will place the EARFOLD® clips in the precise location previously decided, under the skin on the exterior side of your ears.
The minor EARFOLD® incision is done in a minimally invasive way in our outpatient clinic and usually takes just 15 to 20 minutes. After our specialist have marked the position of the implants on your ear as agreed, you will receive local anaesthesia to your ear. Then our specialist will make a 8- to 10-mm incision and insert the EARFOLD® clip using an applicator. He will then seal the small incision with a nearly invisible suture, which is then covered with a sterile adhesive strip.
How long does the EARFOLD® method last for protruding ears?
Assuming the EARFOLD® clip has been anchored in the correct position in the cartilage, it can stay in that location for the rest of your life. In contrast to traditional ear correction techniques (otopexy) or the thread method, the risk of ‘jug ears’ reappearing is significantly smaller.
Can I expect pain after the EARFOLD® operation?
The ears to be operated on will of course receive local anaesthesia. This anaesthesia lasts for about 4 to 6 hours. Subsequently, you may feel mild pain (as from a wound) for 2–3 days; you can treat this with oral pain medication (like Ibuprofen or Paracetamol).
Does the EARFOLD® technique affect hearing?
Your ability to hear in your inner ear will not be affected by the EARFOLD® method. The only possible – positive! – change is to the sound reception through your outer ear cup. You may even be able to hear even better than before.
How long does it take to pin back the ears using the EARFOLD® technique?
This varies from person to person and depends on whether one or both ears are to be pinned and how many clips are necessary. The procedure for two ears usually takes about 15–20 minutes.
When can I bathe, shower or swim following the EARFOLD® procedure?
Above all, you should avoid rubbing the ear area for a significant amount of time after the EARFOLD® operation. You can shower immediately afterwards as long as you carefully pat the ears dry. We recommend waiting to bathe or swim until after the EARFOLD® wound has completely healed, usually 14 days.
When can I exercise again following the EARFOLD® procedure?
You should avoid all ball sports or martial arts for about three weeks. Our specialist also advise ceasing any sport in which your head hangs down for about 3 weeks.
Impressive advantages of the EARFOLD® method
EARFOLD® ear correction is a minimally invasive surgical technique in which a small gold clip is painless attached to the inner ear fold in order to pull it into shape. The final result can be simulated in advance with a ‘PreFold’ clip. This means that you, the patient, can choose where the clip should be placed from the very beginning and have a voice in the decision-making process. Here’s what’s so great about EARFOLD® ear correction:

- Minor outpatient operation under local anaesthesia
- Takes around 15–20 minutes to perform
- No absence from school/work necessary
- No head bandage, just a small adhesive strip
- You can resume your daily life immediately and recover quickly
- No large scars behind the ears
- Significantly reduced risk of reversal when compared to traditional methods
- Gold clip is easily tolerated by the skin
- If necessary, the clip can be removed
What are the costs for an EARFOLD® ear correction at Difine?
The price does depend on the extent of the treatment, which means if one or both ears should be corrected and how many EARFOLD® clips it takes. Each person of 7 years and above suffering from protruding ears due to a less pronounced anthelix can be treated with the EARFOLD® method either on one or both sides.

Dr. med. M. Narwan
Difine Clinic
Girardetstr. 1
45131 Essen
Dr. Narwan
Königsallee 26
40212 Dusseldorf
0201 719 99 0 88
0201 545 899 51
0049 152 06327370
Monday | 9 am - 6 pm |
Tuesday | 9 am - 6 pm |
Wednesday | 9 am - 6 pm |
Thursday | 9 am - 6 pm |
Friday | 9 am - 6 pm |